Resources for Faculty and Staff
Establishing a new graduate degree
The approval process for establishing a new graduate degree program is guided by the policy and procedures of the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR), the University, Graduate College, as well as the processes that govern faculty governance at unit and school/college/institute levels.
Step 1: Preapproval
Include the proposed graduate degree in the academic plan of your college, school or institute. These academic plans must be submitted by your dean’s office by the published deadlines. Please review the Academic Planning Cycle. Notification of academic plan approval will be sent directly to the unit by the Provost’s office.
Step 2: Develop
Develop a full proposal for establishing a new master's or a doctoral degree using the Proposal to Establish a New Program form in Kuali Curriculum Management (CM).
Step 3: Unit approvals
Complete all necessary internal approvals within your unit/college. The new degree program proposal should be completed through the internal unit/college workflow in Kuali CM by the published deadlines for further university approvals.
Step 4: University Graduate Council, CAPC, University Senate and Provost’s approval
The above offices constitute all approvals at the university level. The Graduate College will send the approval notification through Kuali CM to your dean once the proposed program is approved and ready for implementation. No new degree program can be implemented until the final approval notification is distributed.