Resources for Postdocs
This page offers several links to resources available for postdocs who are at ASU or are interested in taking a position at ASU.
Professional Development
Lunch & Learn Videos
International Postdocs
Faculty Job Applications
- Choosing the Right Academic Career with B. Allenby and J. Adamson
- Choosing the Right Career with Brad Allenby
- Writing a great Cover Letter with Matt Green
- Preparing your CV with Duane Roen
- Writing your Research Statement with Michael E Smith
- Writing your Teaching Statement with Keith Hjelmstad
- Writing a Diversity Statement with Rod Roscoe
- The Academic Interview Process with Adam Carberry
Non-faculty Career Panels
- Careers in Industry - Engineering
- Careers in Higher Education Administration
- Careers in Federal Government Agencies
- Commercializing Research - Creating your own job
Writing Skills
- All About Reviews with Lara Ferry
- Intro to PowerNotes with Todd Rossell
- Writing Habits and Long Term Planning with Lisa Cahill
- Writing Groups and Peer Review with Julianne Stratman
- Polishing your Writing with Julianne Stratman
- Considerations for Publication with Tristan Rebe
Professional Skills
- Intellectual Property for Researchers with Michael Lee
- Project Management for Research with Susan Wynn
- Project Management: Working Agile with David Hammerslag
- What is a Personal Brand and why you need one with Tracy Viselli
- The importance of mentoring with Zachary Reeves-Blurton
- The Possibilities of Peer Mentorship with Dr. Meseret Hailu
Resources for new postdocs
Please review the Postdoc Handbook for a full listing of resources for new and current postdocs.
Resources outside ASU
Looking for a Postdoc Position? - Check out the Postdocs page on pathwaystoscience.org and click "Search Postdoc Positions" to find over 150 postdoc fellowships, positions, and professional development opportunities.
National Postdoc Association Career Page - Here's another one: careers.nationalpostdoc.org.
Postdoc Travel Awards - Found on Twitter -- a database of sources for postdoc travel funding.