ASU at Sunset


Graduate Insider Blog


The best of both — online and immersion programs come together

What if graduate students could pursue flexible programs designed to be online with intentional immersion components? This question is at the heart of reimagining graduate education to address global grand challenges. As the fifth topic in our series on this theme, we explore current thoughts on degree program delivery. Previously, we discussed how students could access customized knowledge to acquire new or different skills for their careers. Now, let’s delve into how programs can bridge the gap between flexibility and engagement.

All stories


Five Questions with Meagan Docherty, ASU Postdoc in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice

1. Tell us about yourself…

I’m from New Jersey, northern New Jersey – lived there all my life. I play guitar and ukulele. I’m an avid animal…

A lean, mean, process machine

Imagine a box of beads. Hundreds of beads. The beads appear to be the same size, and most of them are white, but a few are red. Using a special tool, we must try and extract only white beads from the box. In fact, our “job” depends on it.

The key takeaways from the latest Lunch 'n' Learn workshops

The first of two Lunch ‘n Learn workshops in June kicked off the summer for ASU Postdocs. The purpose of the Lunch 'n Learn program at the ASU Postdoc Affairs Office is to provide opportunities for postdocs to learn professional skills to help…

How to work a conference

Have business cards, from the university, with your title, email, phone and website. Have a nice case to carry them in so they look crisp and new. Dress Appropriately. No jeans or sneakers. Know who you want to meet – compile a list ahead of time…


Dear Colleagues,

Traits of a Good Mentor

Accessibility: An open door and an approachable attitude. Empathy: Personal insight into what the trainee is experiencing. Open-mindedness: Respect for each trainee’s individuality and for working styles and career goals different from your own…

Traits of a good mentor

Accessibility: An open door and an approachable attitude. Empathy: Personal insight into what the trainee is experiencing. Open-mindedness: Respect for each trainee’s individuality and for working styles and career goals different from your own…

In the News

Kwapich, Christina  L.; Valentini, Gabriele; Hölldobler, Bert (2018). The non-additive effects of body size on nest architecture in a polymorphic ant. Issue: interdisciplinary approaches for uncovering the impacts of architecture on…


Lunch 'n Learn sparks entrepreneurial ideas

Lunch ‘n Learn events bring postdocs together with professionals in the field on a variety of professional development topics. In February, Brent Sebold, Executive Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at ASU, led a lively discussion about…


Five Questions with Jesse Senko, School of the Future of Innovation in Society

 1. Tell us about yourself…

I’ve been fishing all my life, basically since I was in diapers. I studied fisheries and wildlife as an undergrad and master’s student, and got my PhD degree in Biology here at ASU, and I’ve always wanted to do…


Report from the Annual National Postdoctoral Association Conference

Greetings from snowy Cleveland! Actually, I’m back. And thawing out after a brisk weekend on the shores of Lake Erie. Fortunately, all the activities of the 2018 National Postdoc Association (NPA) meeting were inside the classy confines of the…


From the editor

Hello Postdocs! We hope you find this newsletter to be informative, engaging, and entertaining. You are all doing great work, and it is our pleasure to share your accomplishments with other postdocs and the greater ASU community. This newsletter…

In the news

Kwapich, Christina L.; Valentini, Gabriele; Hölldobler, Bert (2018). The non-additive effects of body size on nest architecture in a polymorphic ant. Issue: interdisciplinary approaches for uncovering the impacts of architecture on collective…

From the editor

Hello Postdocs! We hope you find this newsletter to be informative, engaging, and entertaining. You are all doing great work, and it is our pleasure to share your accomplishments with other postdocs and the greater ASU community. This newsletter…

Report from the Annual National Postdoctoral Association Conference

Greetings from snowy Cleveland! Actually, I’m back. And thawing out after a brisk weekend on the shores of Lake Erie. Fortunately, all the activities of the 2018 National Postdoc Association (NPA) meeting were inside the classy confines of the…

Lunch 'n Learn sparks entrepreneurial ideas

Lunch ‘n Learn events bring postdocs together with professionals in the field on a variety of professional development topics. In February, Brent Sebold, Executive Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at ASU, led a lively discussion about…

Five Questions with Jesse Senko, School of the Future of Innovation in Society

1. Tell us about yourself…

I’ve been fishing all my life, basically since I was in diapers. I studied fisheries and wildlife as an undergrad and master’s student, and got my PhD degree in Biology here at ASU, and I’ve always wanted to do…

The 2018 graduating class marks 80 years of graduate education at Arizona State University

Congratulations to the 2018 graduating class!

Become a student leader and get a $5000 scholarship

The GPSA has extended the deadline to apply to be a student leader on the Public Relations Team for the 2018-19 academic year.

ASU graduate makes national headlines

Peter Marting’s research in animal behavior was featured in the Council of Graduate School’s GradImpact gallery.

Deadlines for submitting your document for format approval for summer 2018

The end of the summer semester will be here before you know it. You do not want to miss the following important format deadlines:

Monday, July 23 is the last day to submit final revisions for thesis/dissertation format approval by 2 p.m.…

Upcoming funding deadlines: Summer travel awards

May 25, 2018 is the deadline to apply for travel awards for the period of July 1 through September 30, 2018. These awards, offered in amounts up to $500, reimburse graduate students for airfare and/or registration costs associated with…

Nominations for the Outstanding Faculty Mentor Awards will open on July 2

Each year, up to three faculty are recognized by the Graduate College for their excellence and contribution.

Announcing the recipients of the second annual Knowledge Mobilization Impact Awards

Awards were given to students for best master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral projects.