In the news
Kwapich, Christina L.; Valentini, Gabriele; Hölldobler, Bert (2018). The non-additive effects of body size on nest architecture in a polymorphic ant. Issue: interdisciplinary approaches for uncovering the impacts of architecture on collective behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 373: 20170235. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2017.0235
Mann, A.E., Sabin, S.,… Ozga, Andrew T., et al. (2018) Differential preservation of endogenous human and microbial DNA in dental calculus and dentin. Nature Scientific Reports SP - 9822 VL - 8 IS - 1
Steffen E. Eikenberry. A Fair Share: Doing the Math on Individual Consumption and Global Warming. Jun 10, 2018. Steffen Eikenberry.
Luo, Wei, Gao P, and Cassels S. A Large-Scale Location-based Social Network to Understanding the Impact of Human Geo-Social Interaction Patterns on Vaccination Strategies in an Urbanized Area. (2018). Computers. Environment and Urban Systems Special Issue: Human Dynamics in the Mobile and Big Data Era: Towards smart and connected communities. [doi]
Luo, Wei, Katz D, Hamilton D, McKennie J, Jenness S, Goodreau S, Stekler J, Rosenberg E, Sullivan P., and Cassels S. (2018) Development of an Agent-based Model to Investigate the Impact of HIV Self-testing Programs for Men Who Have Sex with Men in Atlanta and Seattle. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2018;4(2):e58. [doi]
Luo Wei, Steptoe M, Chang Z, Link R, Clarke L, and Maciejewski R. 2017 The Impact of Spatial Scales on the Inter-Comparison of Climate Scenarios. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications Special Issue: Geographic Data Science. 37(5). [doi]
Zhao, Qunshan., Sailor, D. J., & Wentz, E. A. (2018). Impact of tree locations and arrangements on outdoor microclimates and human thermal comfort in an urban residential environment. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 32, 81-91.
Zhao, Qunshan., Yang, J., Wang, Z., & Wentz, E. A. (2018). Assessing the cooling benefits of tree shade by an outdoor urban physical scale model at Tempe, AZ. Urban Science, 2(1), 4.
Agostini, Gina, [Mayo Clinic – ASU Obesity Solutions Initiative]Holt BM, Relethford JH. 2018. Bone functional adaptation does not erase neutral evolutionary information. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Link
Dolby, Greer A., [ASU School of Life Sciences] Ellingson, R.A., Findley, L.T. and Jacobs, D.K., 2018. How sea level change mediates genetic divergence in coastal species across regions with varying tectonic and sediment processes. Molecular ecology, 27(4), pp.994-1011.
Martinez, P., Mallo, Diego. [Biodesign Center for Personalized Diagnostics], Paulson, T.G., Li X., Sanchez, C.A., Reid, B.J., Graham, T.A., Kuhner, M.K. & Maley, C.C. 2018. Evolution of Barrett’s esophagus through space and time at single-crypt and whole-biopsy levels. Nature.
Qunshan Zhao: J. Warren Nystrom Award Presentation, American Association of Geographers, USA. “Impact of tree locations and arrangements on outdoor microclimates and human thermal comfort in an urban residential environment.” April 11, 2018.
T. Greg Tucker: Selected for the 2018 Phoenix Magazine 40 Under 40.
Qunshan Zhao: J. Warren Nystrom Award (An outstanding paper based upon a recent dissertation in geography), American Association of Geographers.
Qiushi Cui: Participated China Overseas Scholar Innovation Summit 2018, as the CEO of a startup company called DATE Technologies Inc. -- founded by our ASU and Stanford team. Delivered an invited talk: Data Analytics Tools for Electric Vehicle Solutions." China Overseas Scholar Innovation Summit 2018, Dalian, Liaoning, China, Jun. 30, 2018.
Christina Forbes, ASU School of Molecular Sciences: “Science on Main” was awarded a Woodside Community Action Grant awarded through ASU's Changemaker Central. Christina helped write the grant and co-founded the project.
Greer Dolby, ASU School of Life Sciences: National Center For Supercomputing Applications: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, Broadening Participation Allocation. (PI)
T. Greg Tucker, ASU School of Molecular Sciences: STEM outreach for K-12 students with Phx Urban League Young Professionals at Microsoft in Tempe. STEM event for Earth Day at the AZ Sci-Tech Fest at Embry Riddle Aero Univ
Gina Agostini, Mayo Clinic – ASU Obesity Solutions Initiative: [1] Given at the American Association of Physical Anthropologists annual conference (April 11-14): Agostini G. 2018. Workload intensity and health during Portugal’s corporatist Estado Novo as reflected by the skeleton.; Holt BM, Agostini G. 2018. Limb bone diaphyseal structure reflects population relationships in a pan-European sample. [2] Given at the Paleoanthropological Society annual conference (April 9-10): Agostini G. 2018. Lengths and diaphyses, but not joints, reflect among-population genetic relationships: a global study of limb bone variation.
T. Greg Tucker presented at the ACS (Amer. Chem. Soc.) conference, where his fuel cell patent and community video was given an honorable mention and posted on the Yale University Center for Green Chemistry & Green Engineering website.
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