Apply for a Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grant focused on innovation around issues of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion
Applications are now open for the Graduate College’s new round of Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grants.
The first round of $100 grants were awarded in November to 10 students who developed innovative ways to continue and expand their research despite setbacks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This round, the Knowledge Mobilization Initiative is seeking graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to share their innovations related to recent developments and discussions concerning social justice.
Have conversations and current events around issues of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion;
Framed or changed the way you think about what you’re studying?
Brought new awareness or context to your research and/or projects you’ve worked on?
Empowered you to bring research to new communities, or to reach out to new collaborators?
The Graduate College will be awarding 10, $100 grants for the best social justice related innovations. Winners will also have their stories and projects shared on the Graduate Insider.
The Knowledge Mobilization Spotlight Grants are a part of the Graduate College’s Knowledge Mobilization Initiative, which aims to help scholars move their research outside of the classroom and put it into practice.