Funding opportunities
Travel Awards
Graduate students can apply directly to receive funding for in-person or remote attendance at professional development conferences and events. These awards provide up to $300 toward registration fees, ASU international registration fees and/or airfare. Funds for other expenses are not permissible.
Please refer to ASU travel guidelines for the most recent policies and processes for planning travel as an ASU student.
Application for Q4 (Apr 1-June 30) is now closed. FY26 Q1 applications will be open in early May.
About this Award
Students may receive up to $300 per award period for a maximum of $1,000 per fiscal year for registration fees, ASU international fees and/or airfare to attend conferences or events that align with their program, area of study, or research.
Application Deadline | Award Period |
Monday, June 3, 2024 | July 1 to September 30, 2024 |
Monday, September 2, 2024 | October 1 to December 31, 2024 |
Monday, December 2, 2024 | January 1 to March 31, 2025 |
Monday, March 3, 2025 | April 1 to June 30, 2025 |
- Funding requests will be accepted for registration costs for conferences, workshops and training, ASU international registration fee and daily charges, or airfare expenses only.
- Applicants must be graduate students enrolled in a graduate degree program during the award period who are in good standing with their academic unit and the Graduate College.
- Funding requested must be directly related to the applicant's current graduate program of study.
- Students must self-apply and include a letter of recommendation signed by an ASU faculty member.
- Students may apply for each deadline but will be awarded only up to a max of $300 per award period for a total of $1,000 per fiscal year (July 2024 to June 2025).
- Non-permissible or non-reimbursable charges will be the responsibility of the academic unit or non-reimbursable to the applicant.
- The following are non-permissible expenses: ASU account charges or fees (including workshops or courses utilizing ASU student accounts), requests for professional certifications, or travel-related expenses such as ground transportation, per diem, hotel, and miscellaneous expenses.
Submission Procedures
- Application must be submitted no later than 05:00 p.m. AZ time of the application period deadline.
- Application is for events occurring within a specific time period.
- Students must submit application and upload (Dropbox link provided in application) a letter of recommendation signed by an ASU faculty member by the deadline stated above.
- Deadlines and completed information are essential to processing requests in a fair and timely manner. In order to ensure the integrity of the application process, no exceptions will be made to program guidelines or deadlines.
Award Notifications
Applicants will be notified as to the status of their application approximately three weeks after the close of the posted deadline. If an applicant does not receive an email notification by three weeks after the application deadline, it is the applicant’s responsibility to inquire of his or her application status by emailing grad-travel@asu.edu for an update.
How to Submit for Reimbursement or Payment of Expenses
Awardee Responsibilities
It is important that you follow all instructions in the award letter in order to utilize funding. There are two options available for utilizing awarded funding (outlined further below) including Graduate College direct payment or expense reimbursement (via My ASU Trip).
Reimbursable Expenses for In-Person Registration Costs through MyASU Trip (Concur)
The Graduate College Travel Award will cover costs of stated items up to the amount stated in your award letter with documented receipts. For specific instructions on this process, please reach out to grad-travel@asu.edu.
- Domestic or International Travel: Please go to the ASU Travel Page to update your Travel Profile and then build a Trip Request (as well as the Travel Award Application, see above). Instructions for updating your Travel Profile and creating a Trip Request can be found in the My ASU TRIP manual.
- When preparing your Concur trip request via My ASU Trip, please do the following:
- If this is your only funding source, add the Graduate College cost center, CC0959 and program, PG02940, and route the request for approval to Stefani Plummer (stefi).
- If you have other funding (departmental and/or GSG), route the request to then first and request that they add the Graduate College cost center, CC0959 and program, PG02940, and route the request for final approval to Stefani Plummer (stefi).
Please follow this approval and booking process:
- Research your destination and identify safety requirements and protocol using the ASU Travel Guidance website.
- For international travel as a student, you must first register your international travel in the Student International Travel Registration System.
- Please follow instructions from all funding sources for submitting a travel request via My ASU Trip. This includes Concur account access approval.
- Submit a trip request in My ASU TRIP/Concur. Attach the approved Student International Travel email. Ensure your request and attachments include how you plan to travel safely. Please contact grad-travel@asu.edu for cost center/program information.
- After the request is fully approved in My ASU TRIP/Concur, book your travel through My ASU TRIP/Concur.
- Airfare must be booked through My ASU Trip/Concur so the university may fulfill its duty of care responsibility to ASU travelers. Lodging, rental cars and other business travel arrangements should be booked through My ASU Trip/Concur unless there is a business reason to do otherwise.
- VERY IMPORTANT: Pre-authorization and the use of ASU’s booking processes are required to ensure travel reimbursement. Airline tickets booked outside of Concur will not be eligible for reimbursement.
Direct Payment
If you are requesting the Graduate College make payment on your behalf (for virtual events only), please fill out the required Expenditure Payment Request Form (provided with award letter) and submit to grad-travel@asu.edu with the following:
- A copy of the award letter
- Information needed to make payment (website, registration form, etc.)
- Documentation of event in pdf format (webpage, brochure, email)
- You are also required to add a brief statement on the submission form that explains the purpose of the event and how your “attendance” at this event benefits you, ASU, and your research.
If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate College Business Office via phone at 480-884-2293 or email grad-travel@asu.edu.