Scholar recognizes the importance of time and community when building connections
In this Q&A, we highlight Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx) program attendee Jamal Brooks-Hawkins, a third-year Gender Studies PhD student specializing in Black, sexual and gender minorities in the African diaspora. In this interview, he discusses spending your time wisely, investing in community and the importance of better public health discourse.

PFx scholar encourages framing Humanities research as a discovery instead of a problem
This month, we highlight Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx) program attendee, Isobel-Marie Johnston, an educator specializing in Jewish mikvah immersion. In this interview, she discusses rituals, special cultural practices and reframing research queries as discoveries instead of problems.

Humanities scholar explores the intersections of religion, capitalism and tech
This month, we highlight Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx) program attendee, Mario Orospe Hernandez, a Ph.D. candidate in Religious Studies. In this interview he talks about why it’s important to pursue your passions and the real-world applications of philosophical studies.

Grad15:Why you should enroll in Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx) program
In this week's Grad15 mini-webinar, Graduate Affairs program manager Shannon Lujan discussed Preparing Future Faculty and Scholars (PFx), a career-readiness program for current ASU graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
Designed to complement the deep learning offered by students' academic programs, PFx broadens exposure to diverse career opportunities, guiding participants in exploring the value of their graduate degrees within a